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The Ozporns

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The Ozporns

The Ozporns, America's favorite dysfunctional family. Each week they air their dirty laundry on the reality show that takes you into their home, their lives, and even their beds. There's Izzy, the constipated, scatter-brained dad whose good intentions are sometimes toiled by his overactive libido: Sherri his loving wife who wears the pants in the family - and never takes them off: Fiona and John, who come home from college to create sexual chaos: Sarah, the nymphomaniacal nanny: and the sundry other characters who drop in unannounced and leave sexually gratified. In this episode, Izzy is on a mission to find out who stole his bran muffins. John is getting his feet (and other body parts) wet in the glamorous world of porn production. Fiona's in love with a struggling rapper from the bad part of Malibu, and Sarah has her eyes onwell, you'll just have to watch it, won't you. A dead-on parody of TV's most popular show, The Ozporns dares to take you where no one else can.

Duration: 116 minutes

Directed by: Antonio Passolini 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in The Ozporns :
 • Tawny Roberts  • Pat Myne  • Steve Hatcher  • Chloe  • Shane Hunter  • Samantha Sterlyng  • Aria  • Sindee Coxx  • Calli Cox  • Kyle Stone  • Fred J. Lincoln  • Nikita Denise  • Rick Patrick  • Marty Romano  • Cheyne Collins  • Tina Tyler  • Tanya Danielle


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