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DMJ6 Devil in Miss Jones

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DMJ6 Devil in Miss Jones

It all starts when Justine Jones accidentally summons two sexual demons to earth. As the two succubi embark on a sexual rampage, Justine is recruited by Satanito hunt down the pair of errant she-devils and send them back to Hell.The trail is littered with a slew of sexual psychos -- a trailer park nymphomaniac, a perverted beekeeper, a movie star and his latex nurse, and even a masked Mexican wrestling team who take on Justine and Satan in a no-holes-barred grudge match. So prepare yourself for a mind-bending descent into a wicked parody of porno cliches, packed with nine internal sex scenes that will leave you for lack of better word, hot.

Duration: 131 minutes
From the series: Devil In Miss Jones
Directed by: Antonio Passolini 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in DMJ6 Devil in Miss Jones :
 • Juli Ashton  • Anita Cannibal  • Randy Spears  • Tina Tyler  • Keri Windsor  • Steve Hatcher  • Crystal Crawford  • Stacy Valentine  • John Strong  • Ian Daniels  • Victoria Queen  • Nikita Gross  • J.J. Michaels  • Scott Schwartz  • Chris Cannon  • Peris Bleau  • Kyle Stone  • Michael J. Cox


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