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Eon McKai's Neu Wave Hookers

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Eon McKai's Neu Wave Hookers

When "working girls" get together to share some of their shocking trick-tales, we get brutally honest accounts of what it's like to fuck for a living in the bowels of Los Angeles. These girls may have different stories, but they have one thing in common, "old man's hands" (a creepy old raincoater played by Dirty Harry). They find something else to share when they pick up an old video copy of New Wave Hookers at a garage sale. Something makes them keep watching, and before they know it, they're captivated and turned-on, and they become Neu Wave Hookers. Fascinated with the films strange hold, they decide to investigate, breaking-in and snooping around VCA headquarters, where they uncover the infamous "Dark Report #2." In a role that gives new meaning to role-play, Dana DeArmond plays the notorious bombshell, giving, perhaps, the most provocative blowjob in adult history.

Duration: 142 minutes

Directed by: Eon Mckai 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in Eon McKai's Neu Wave Hookers :
 • Tiger (f)  • Dirty Harry  • James Deen  • Kurt Lockwood  • Tommy Pistal  • Nyomi Zen  • Joanna Angel  • Riley Mason  • Veronica Hart  • Sierra Sinn  • Felix Vicious  • Justine Joli


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