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Chop Stix

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Chop Stix

When a young girl inherits a mansion from a mysterious benefactor, she also inherits a $25,000 debt in back taxes. With only a rusty old catering truck to her credit, she goes to her Aunt, who runs the city's most prestigious whorehouse to borrow some girls. Serving up a sexy fare of delicacies both culinary and carnal, she makes enough money to pay off the taxes before the estate's lawyer runs off with everything. She celebrates her success with an outrageous orgy at her new restaurant, "Chopstix Manor".

Duration: 81 minutes

Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in Chop Stix :
 • Kandi Barbour  • Richard Pacheco  • David Morris  • Mike Horner  • Elaine Wells  • Serena  • Tamara Morgan  • John Seeman  • Kitty Shayne  • Sharon Kane  • Connie Peterson  • Barbara Cloud  • Jessie St. James  • Shirley Duke  • Don Fernando  • Dorothy LeMay


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