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Steven St. Croix has the gorgeous Taylor Hayes for a girlfriend - but he's still not happy! Insane, you would say? Certainly-but that's what happens when a man can't get the image of huge, bouncing breasts out of his mind. Fortunately for Steve he meets up with a man of dubious magical powers (Tom Byron) who gives him a very special pair of sunglasses. Once on, the glasses transport Steve to a miraculous land of massive mammaries and the chicks attached to them. You know the old saying, "Watch what you wish for - you might just get it"? Yeah, well, Steve gets his wish - in more ways than one!

Duration: 107 minutes

Directed by: Bud Lee 
Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in Boobtown :
 • Crystal Gold  • Taylor Hayes  • Tom Byron  • Brittany Andrews  • T.T. Boy  • Olivia  • Holly Body  • Steven St. Croix  • Nicole London  • Whitney Wonders


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