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American Garter

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American Garter

The year is 1961, the city is New York, and the company is American Garter, the nation's premier lingerie manufacturer. Travel back in time as you plunge into the daily soap opera that makes American Garter more than just another underwear company - but an erotic institution!

Duration: 81 minutes

Studio: VCA 

Watch these pornstars in American Garter :
 • Al Goldstein  • Ona Zee  • Jonathan Morgan  • Selena Steele  • Steve Drake  • Joey Silvera  • Brittany O'Connell  • Tony Tedeschi  • Veronica Hart  • Seka  • Mike Horner  • Raven Alexander  • Claire Tyler  • Nick East  • Tyffany Million  • Heather Hart  • Joe Verducci  • Sierra  • Randy West  • Gabriella  • Tim Lake  • Melanie Moore  • Nicole London


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