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Dom Camillo V. Reno

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Dom Camillo V. Reno

The scene starts in the ring. Don Camillo is the hot, hairy, uberfit 36 year old Dad who is just wearing a t-shirt and sexy shorts. With him is his athletic and lean muscled 20 yr old son who is just wearing speedo. Daddy Dom is teaching his son proper exercise routines and wrestling holds like the double nelson, bearhugs and arm extension. But the son loses interests and just want to leave the ring and party with his friends. Dom becomes angry and shouts at his disobedient son. The son, obviously frustrated at this point, yells back at the more muscular dad "I want to get the fuck outta here you cannot stop me, DADDY !!". Daddy Dom loses his temper because the son has no respect for him and then they do an intense wrestling session. Dom proves to be stronger guy as he humiliates the young man with slapping, face-licking, spitting, verbal agression and at one point feeding his shorts to the unfortunate son victim. Dad takes son to the shower and shower his head with cold water while shouting at him. In the end, the dad put his son on a submission hold and asked "So, who is your daddy now, huh?, WHO IS YOUR DADDY ???"

Duration: 28 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Dom Camillo V. Reno :
 • Reno  • Don Camillo


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