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Brocky Brown V. Zsolt

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Brocky Brown V. Zsolt

6'5" vs 5'9" ! Superhot bodybuilder, Brocky, enters the Wrestlehard ring as confident as ever. He strips down and starts to pose like a bodybuilder competitor in his speedos. Suddenly our massive giant Zsolt comes in and shouts at the 8 inches shorter muscleguy "This is my fucking ring, get out dwarf!". Brocky is brave enough to stay. They grab each others arms and stare at each other. One can feel the tension building up between the two musclegods. Finally, Zsolt explodes like a volcano and throws the smaller guy to the ground. The war of the Titans begins with lots of wrestling action. Brocky bearhugs the giant, throws him and puts him in a nelson. The fight is very even, although Brocky has the advantage of being quicker and not to mention his incredible muscles and power. Naked wrestling follows the speedo action. We can see wrestling with hard-ons, dirty ball-nipple punishment, face spitting, feet trampling, gutpunching and posing above the defeated enemy. Thanks to his better endurance and faster muscles, Brocky wins the fight with an unfair low-kick. Brocky makes the giant deepthroat him and he returns the favor by sucking Zsolt with pleasure. After lifting the Giant's body a few times, our "David" still has the power to fuck "Goliath" intensively in various positions.

Duration: 25 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Brocky Brown V. Zsolt :
 • Zsolt  • Anthony Rockwell


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