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Roy Rogers V. Rod Stevens

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Roy Rogers V. Rod Stevens

These 2 huge Champion Bodybuilders cannot resist a Pose-off to start, which quickly becomes a full blown Body Worship and Oil session. Giant new-comer, ROY ROGERS is an amazing new discovery At 260 lbs of rock-hard muscle, he is a real-life Muscle Destroyer. Quickly this Cyborg takes the upper hand, mauling the unbelievably HOT and totally ripped ROD STEVENS. Rod just oozes man-sex from his magnificent sweat drenched physique. Alpha brutality gone mad as mega-muscle monster Roy stomps, bearhugs, scissors, clutches and squeezes the life out of ramrod Rod Stevens. He feeds Rod his own Speedos as he pounds him relentless like the Cyborg Terminator he really is. Roy looks utterly scary and devoid of pity as he pulverizes hardbod Rod steel tight ass. Roy is a human fuck machine set to MAX DRILL! Only his evil smile belies his true need for relentless domination and pure suffering.

Duration: 28 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Roy Rogers V. Rod Stevens :
 • Roy Rogers  • Rod Stevens


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