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Win Diezel V. Dark Devil

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Win Diezel V. Dark Devil

WARNING! Only for viewers with strong nerves!! This is the cruelest wrestling scene in the history of WrestleHard! Giant bodybuilder Win leads his dog slave on leash into the ring. Poor slave Dark Devil behaves well and lets the muscleman punish him verbally and physically with lots of slap, spits, nipple punishment and punches(he has no other options though). Finally it's getting to be too much for him and asks his master nicely for freedom. Win agrees if and only if, his poor slave will win in a wrestling match. Very unfair and unequal jeans-boots wrestling session begins where the 60 lbs smaller guy has no chance at all. Win moves him like a doll with lots of acrobatic wrestling elements. Dark flies like a paper dragon sometimes while our mean wrestler is yelling like a cro-magnon man. Sometimes, our cruel giant lets Dark to start a hold then he laughs at the much weaker guy and throws him down like a feather. We can see facetrampling with boots, boots smelling, heavy nipple punishment, slaps on the cute twink face(which makes him fly 6 feet), spitting, and loud verbal humiliation. The wrestling action continues while both get naked - we can see nicely executed racks, surfboards, bearhugs, sleepers, shoulder backbreakers, pile drivers, pec claws, cradles, jack knife, nelsons and body slams. Obviously Win defeats the smaller guy and deepthroats him with his anaconda cock and fucks him in two very intense positions. Master has no mercy for this poor slave!!

Duration: 30 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Win Diezel V. Dark Devil :
 • Randy Jones  • Dark Devil


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