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Alfredo Castaldo V. Tom Taylor

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Alfredo Castaldo V. Tom Taylor

In this video, bodybuilder coach Alfredo Castaldo teaches a young rookie, uber-fit, pure leaned muscle fighter, Tom Taylor, some manners. It starts with a workout with lots of push ups, ribcage kicks, push down with feet, sit-ups, and shouting dirty words at his young athlete. Then, they move to practicing wrestling throws like the flying mare, but Tom does not quite get the move down so Coach Alfredo becomes really mad and humiliates the younger athlete, Tom. Tom fights back and tries to retaliate but the coach is just stronger in all levels! Coach Alfredo slaps his athlete's ass hard and then defeats him in a long and uneven wrestling, with lots of scissors, beahugs, clutches and sleepers. He even has the defeated athlete eat his speedo! What comes next are more humiliating tactics applied to our young athlete like - sucking, gagging and deep throat, a 69 in push-up position and two very intense fucking. Alfredo makes Tom cum while having him in a scissor hold and at the end, mercilessly throws him in the pool!

Duration: 29 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Alfredo Castaldo V. Tom Taylor :
 • Alfredo Castaldo  • Tom Taylor


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