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A bevy of beef and brawn make up the incredible cast of BODYGUARDS, featuring the hottest specimens of uncut talent that Europe has to offer. With BODYGUARDS, Director Roland Dane once again conjures up the perfect balance between raw man-on-man sexuality and erotic storytelling in which everyday situations unfold into real-life sexual fantasies. BODYGUARDS; men of imposing size and might are hired muscle at your service. Take a look inside their world and you will find these steamy and erotic encounters will have you longing to employ your very own team of BODYGUARDS.

Duration: 99 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 
Studio: COLT Studio Olympus 

Watch these pornstars in Bodyguards :
 • Nicolaus  • Tad Harrison  • Renato Bellagio  • Kane O'Farrell  • Alfredo  • Orlando Toro  • Flavio Valentino  • Randy Jones  • Enrico Belagio  • Julian Vincenzo  • Fernando Nielsen


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