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Chris Stone - Ricardo Monthy V. Claudio Antonelli 2

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Chris Stone - Ricardo Monthy V. Claudio Antonelli 2

Fan favorite master Chris is back ! He is teaching his wrestling protege', Ricardo, some wrestling moves. He's showing him all the efficient wrestling techniques when bodybuilder Claudio appears. Claudio looks at the muscletwink Ricardo and starts to laugh at the newcomer young man. This makes Master Chris very upset and advices his student to fight Claudio. Ugly and unfair fight starts between the beginner wrestler and the veteran Claudio. Being more experienced, Claudio uses his skill to his advantage and put Ricardo in various uncomfortable holds. After the one-sided sweaty wrestling session, Chris sees his protege' losing the match and he attacks Claudio. These two huge musclemen are old enemies and we can see the fight is real and cruel between them with lots of unfair techniques like kicking each other on the floor, spitting, angry verbal humiliation, spanking, etc. Finally. Chris dominates and defeats his old enemy and at the end he lets his protege' to share the victory as both guys win over the exhausted and defeated Claudio who is not laughing at the newcomer anymore. Needless to say both fuck the loser in a very rough way.

Duration: 25 minutes
From the series: Chris Stone - Ricardo Monthy V. Claudio Antonelli
Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Chris Stone - Ricardo Monthy V. Claudio Antonelli 2 :
 • Ricardo Monthy  • Claudio Antonelli  • Chris Stone (E.C.S)


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