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Tattooed Junior V. Giuseppe Pardi

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Tattooed Junior V. Giuseppe Pardi

Tough muscleman, Junior, is looking at his girlfriend's photo with soft emotions on his face. Super cute adonis newcomer, Giuseppe, arrives and Junior shows the photo of his girlfriend. Our Adonis is very rude and tells the muscleman he wants to fuck this girl and starts to lick the photo. Junior becomes super jealous and wants to punish the younger guy with wild anger. He throws the barell at him and a very energetic wrestling session starts. Both guys are well trained in martial arts with great endurance so their moves are real fast. We can see lots of bearhugs, face spins, headscissors, headlocks, sleepers, shoulder backbreakers, throws, gutpunches and nelsons. A long naked wrestling round follows and Junior humiliates the newcomer by feeding him the photo, slaps him, a lot of nose-punishment and verbal abuse. After a short kick-boxing session, Junior defeates his young challenger and tells him he can be his second girlfriend and deepthroats and fucks him in several intense positions. At the end Junior orders Giuseppe to cum on the photo, as this is the only way he can get his girl. To add to the humilation, Junior throws and smothers the wet photo at the Adonis' face.

Duration: 27 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Tattooed Junior V. Giuseppe Pardi :
 • Tattoo Junior  • Giuseppe Pardi


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