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Brocky Brown - Alfredo Castaldo V. James Jones

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Brocky Brown - Alfredo Castaldo V. James Jones

Superhot, young bodybuilding competitor Brocky and tough bodybuilder Alfredo is armwrestling. Georgeous twink, James, is supervising the game. The biceps of these two bodybuilders are straining with veins popping all over and both are equally strong so no clear winner. James tries to keep the match clean and always interrupts the fighters. They become seriously mad and attack the poor twinky referee. A very evil wrestling session starts, which is anything but fair. They throw James up the wall, shouting at him, then practice lots of nice holds on the skinnier beauty. Suddenly they get mad at each other because both want a bigger piece of James, like hungry lions. They throw their boytoy like a ragdoll and a very intense grappling session starts between the two musclegods. James tries to come back sometimes to stop the fight as the ambassador of peace, but they always kick him out from the ring and punish him hard. These guys have great endurance, so the match is full of action. Gutpunches, bearhugs and scissors(sometimes with poor James in the middle), boston crabs, face spins, nelsons, sleepers, cradles, lots of dual posing above the defeated twink, backbreakers and a rack. James does not take the hint and comes back from the side of the ring while the two giants become very mad at him screaming "What the fuck is this mosquito doing here?" They feed their speedo to him in addition to nipple and ball punishments, lots of slapping, spitting and deepthroating the twink with two GIANT dicks at the same time. They also finger the poor guy before fucking his brains out! They end with dual muscle pose further humiliating the poor twink.

Duration: 34 minutes

Directed by: Roland Dane 

Watch these pornstars in Brocky Brown - Alfredo Castaldo V. James Jones :
 • Anthony Rockwell  • Alfredo Castaldo  • James Jones


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