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Barcelona Bound

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Barcelona Bound

Barcelona Bound presents an unusual assortment of all handsome, raven-haired, dark-eyed, uncut and horse hung men. Rafael Carreras, whom, you'll remember from Studio 2000's recent Meltdown - is joined by Lucas Foz, Berto Campos, and others. Lovers Rafael and Lucas are on vacation in Barcelona, and it seems that every picture they take has, in the background, guys that we soon see having sex. As they scout around the beautiful city Fox takes a picture of Carreras in which a priest Beto Campos and a construction worker Vardeli Gardozo are chatting behind him. The scene shifts to a corner of the church where Campos lifts his robe to reveal and extra thick tool pointing towards the heavens. When it comes time for Gardozo to get down to business he opens his mouth wide and services the priests thick uncut prick. Reversing expectations, the burly construction worker sits on the priests cock.

Duration: 90 minutes

Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in Barcelona Bound :
 • Lucas Foz  • Dino (SX)


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