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Playing To Win

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Playing To Win

Playing To Win is about guys on the rise: upwardly mobile crowds, who seem to be up, up, up all of the time. Our tale follows the adventures of two good buddies, Steve Sax (more about this later), a very rising young entrepreneur who has almost everything; money, looks, a body to die for and a cock that could kill, and Pagan Prince (a STUDIO 2000 exclusive whose wonderful cock knows no limits except hard, harder and hardest), a television sports reporter who personifies the idea of minimum effort for maximum effect. The action begins as Steve and Pagan leave the ballpark and head for the nearest butch gay bar. Steve bemoans the fact that his search for a new lover is going nowhere; Pagan replies that he's too busy for a lover, and that probably Steve is also. Steve says that he just hasn't found the right guy. He thinks he needs a good injection of up-and-coming ballplayer, Josh Sterling. Pagan is skeptical and asks what is happening with Steve's latest affair. Startled, Steve remembers that he is almost late for his date.

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in Playing To Win :
 • Pagan Prince  • Aaron Austin  • Kevin Kramer  • Hunter Scott  • Rob Boxxer  • Tony Brocco  • Josh Sterling  • Steve Sax  • J.T. Sloan  • Dave Russell  • Tony Piagi  • Kyle Brandon


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