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Tailspin is set toward the end of the 1950's and is the story of two guys, one from an affluent family and one from poverty. It all happens during that wonderful summer that follows high school graduation, and it's about cars, hangouts, love, music, group loyalty, pain, loss, growing up and, of course, it's about sex-way back then. If, when you watch Tailspin, you're reminded a bit of American Graffiti or of The Outsiders, that isn't an accident, for the video draws on these landmark films as well as personal experiences. We've been there and we've done that. Tailspin is the story American Graffiti couldn't tell, showing the things that The Outsiders didn't dare to show. Jeff White, the STUDIO 2000 exclusive with the high sexual energy, has the Ronnie Howard role in Tailspin. And his is an uncanny performance blending intense sex with perceptive acting. Playing opposite Jeff, in a variation of a Matt Dillon character, is Ethan Marc. In addition to an impressive acting talent, Marc brings a sexual power to his performance that will have your mouth watering and your dick hard.

Duration: 115 minutes

Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Studio 2000 Atomic Video 

Watch these pornstars in Tailspin :
 • K.C. Hart  • Seth Black  • Ethan Marc  • Jeff White  • Blake Anderson  • Eric St. Germain  • Jason Nikas  • Dino DiMarco  • Brent Cross  • Brett Winters


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