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Wild And Wet

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Wild And Wet

Studio 2000 is having a pool party where everyone gets soaked, including the viewers. Wild and Wet is an ode to Neptune and it introduces Matt Majors who is a major find with a major meat. In an industry where mighty manhood is mandatory, Mr. Majors has the most impressive dick to be seen onscreen in a long, long time. Before we get ahead of ourselves, let's make it clear that Majors is a hottie, with a natural build and a bubble butt. However, it is the dick that is both the cake and the icing. It is long, thick, uncut and the head is incredibly bulbous. Best of all, he can blow his own horn. Matt Majors is what Studio 2000's quest for newcomers is all about: the epitome of "mega-meat." Best of all, he shares his wealth of "talent" in two scorching scenes.

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Studio 2000 

Watch these pornstars in Wild And Wet :
 • Trevor Halston  • Kurt Wolffe  • Cameron Sage  • Gordon Gage  • Mark Rockwell  • Richie Fine  • Matt Majors  • Dave Nelson  • Michel Mattel


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