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Director's Best John Travis

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Director's Best John Travis

John Davenport fucks Michael Gere in their cell while Jeff Stryker watches and jacks off. Tom Brock and Dean Chasen get it on in the woods while Jay Hawkins and Eric Radford join in. Doug Niles fucks Greg Stevens on a motorcycle in a workshop. Butch Taylor and leathered out George Madera suck, fuck and dildo each other and the fire escape.

Duration: 82 minutes
From the series: The Best of... - Catalina
Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in Director's Best John Travis :
 • Dean Chasen  • John Davenport  • Doug Niles  • Tom Brock  • George Madera  • Eric Radford  • Greg Stevens  • Butch Taylor  • Michael Gere  • Jeff Stryker  • Jay Hawkins


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