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Join the military man-euvers as a group of randy recruits stand ready for hard-pounding all-male action. Handsome cover man Michael Parks leads the eager fuck-and-suck action. His shower scene with Cal Jensen is one of the most sensual scenes ever captured by Catalina's hard-core cameras. Neil Thomas is jacking off in a jeep and is joined by Rick Coleman. Neil throws a mean military fuck into Rick's eager ass. Next is the great scene with Michael Parks and Cal Jensen. As the pair go at it, Dick Masters watches and whacks his huge cock. There is a very probing exam at the doctor's office where all the military man-holes are checked out. Lee Jennings starts the action with Vinnie Trevino and they're joined by Chris Dano and his big butt-busting boner. The man-action moves to the trenches for a steamy scene with beautiful blond hunk Rod Burnett and his buddy Peter Maddox. Then it's a fun-fucking-tastic finale with Michael Parks in his second scene of the movie and Rick Lee.

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: John Travis 
Studio: Channel 1 Releasing Catalina 

Watch these pornstars in Foxhole :
 • Vinnie Travino  • Michael Parks  • Chris Dano  • Lee Jennings  • Peter Maddox  • Cal Jensen  • Rod Burnett  • Rick Masters  • Neil Thomas  • Rick Lee  • Rick Coleman


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