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Daddy's Dungeon Discipline

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Daddy's Dungeon Discipline

We move back into the Table Room, where a 3 pound weight on a cord is strapped to the slave's testicles. On all fours on the leather table, Paul is worked over. But to everyone's horror (and twisted amusement) the slave's balls shift and the clatter of the weight hitting the floor (almost on my foot) jars us all. It gives Paul an unexpected jolt of pain, and then he lets out a big blob of precum. Pain and pleasure indeed run hand in hand. As the session draws to a climactic close, Paul is flipped onto his back and his Master once again dons a rubber glove to fingerfuck him to explosive orgasm. Slave Paul blows a very large and gooey load all over his hand, prick and belly. And as the Master pulls out of his slave's ass, he says quite rightly, 'And a good time was had by all.'

Duration: 101 minutes

Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 


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