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Milking A Twink 4: Aggressive Twink Gags 2 Daddies

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Milking A Twink 4: Aggressive Twink Gags 2 Daddies

Cal leans forward and the boys rub their hard dicks together, jacking prick to prick. As daddy goes down again to suck and lick the smooth nutsack, Javier nearly puts out his eye with his cock. Daddy deep throats his dick and Javier pulls him down with his hands, making him gag on it. As Cal takes the camera, Javier jabs up wildly with his stick gagging even me! I bob up and down happily on the fucking thing, working it deep into my throat. Javier starts to moan and groan and laughs as I gag and nearly puke from his jabbing of my throat. With tongue, thoat and lips, I work over his dick, balls and ass. He's one tasty little shit and finds great pleasure in having daddy gag and choke. I work his nipples over a bit too, but soon Javier is ramming his meat deep into my throat, once again making me work to keep it down.

Duration: 101 minutes
From the series: Milking A Twink
Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 

Watch these pornstars in Milking A Twink 4: Aggressive Twink Gags 2 Daddies :
 • Zack Christopher  • Javier  • Cal


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