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Fetish 3: Shaving 2

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Fetish 3: Shaving 2

Shaggy mess of hair chopped off with the buzzer, then the beard and all flushed away! A HUGE load spews forth jerking off for you with saliva sloppy cock! I put out a massive sticky load after being incredibly horned up that day by a hottie. My fat balls put out a nice load. Fat, heavy loaded balls, the title says it all. I smell fucking GOOD! I am ripe and I love my own smell as I shave my head.

Duration: 72 minutes
From the series: Fetish -Zack Christopher Photography
Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 

Watch these pornstars in Fetish 3: Shaving 2 :
 • Shaggy


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