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Passionate Pizza

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Passionate Pizza

Tanin's in trouble! He's forgotten to do the shopping and now his boyfriend, Pairoj, is pissed. As he's dragged by the ear he spots a pizza ad on the refrigerator and bargains for his survival. After ordering, Pairoj insists the errant one suck his dick to make amends and they soon are fully engaged and don't notice when the delivery boy arrives. Soon, though he's (Preecha) caught peeking and summarily dragged off to the bedroom where the three soon forget about the damned pizza as a three way suck-fuck-a-fest ensues. Lots of taking turns here until both lovers deliver huge loads all over Preecha's face. Sakol arrives home from work to find Chadet already in bed with his beautiful white ass hanging out. So, he does what any horny guy would do, he sets about enjoying himself. And as Chadet awakes the two put on a show. Crossing a bridge, lucky Taweesak bumps into heartthrob stud puppy Somkuan and manages to convince him to come back to his house to examine the furniture more closely. They do, but only incident to much sucking of Somkuan's fine dick and the inevitable skewering that ensures.

Duration: 86 minutes

Studio: Island Caprice Studios 


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