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Sweet Heat

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Sweet Heat

Hot & horny, heartthrob Ramon is cruising the barrios where he encounters a hardworking construction crew sweating under the sun. Their flexing torsos drive him to seek quick release, & under a tree his big balls bounce powering him to a creamy orgasm. Meanwhile, cuties Alex & Enrique are off for a day in the country. Desperate for some respite from his friend's loquaciousness, Enrique abruptly plants a lip-smearing kiss on a startled Alex which leads to the kind of lusty sucking & fucking that only the intimately familiar enjoy. Later alone, Enrique encounters man-boy Miguel working on his basketball game. The two spar briefly but soon sneak off for more meaningful one-on-one. Finally, preppy Fausto escapes throngs of students to study at a secluded beach. Mysteriously, seductive David emerges from the simmering bay & the two disappear into the mangroves. Immediately smitten, they take turns sucking & fucking each other as their ardor swells to creamy euphoric eruptions. Spice up your life with some Sweet Heat.

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: John Hayman 
Studio: Island Caprice Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Sweet Heat :
 • Alex Gonzalez  • Ramon  • Fausto  • Miguel  • David  • Enrique


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