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Aaron's Adventures In Russia 3

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Aaron's Adventures In Russia 3

When not attending computer school during the day, the two moonlight as local escorts. And sexy escorts they are! They were among the first young men I met in Moscow, and two of the primary reasons I fell in love with the country. Upon finding out they were boyfriends I immediately cast them in a scene with each other. I instructed the two that I wanted their scene to be more like lovemaking than raw sex. The two obliged, and their scene is filled with tender kissing and touching. They go suck each other for a while, and finally Andrey fucks Alexi slowly and passionately. Although I offered to provide condoms, the two declined, as they do not use them in their personal sex life.

Duration: 117 minutes
From the series: Aaron's Adventures In Russia
Directed by: Aaron Lawrence 
Studio: Aaron Lawrence Enterprises 

Watch these pornstars in Aaron's Adventures In Russia 3 :
 • Maks  • Andrey (m)  • Igor  • Aaron Lawrence  • Denes (Aaron Lawerence)  • Vidkid Timo  • Alexi (Aaron Lawrence)


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