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La Princesse Et La Pute

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La Princesse Et La Pute

Sofia, the innocent princess, is the ante. Helga, the nymphomaniac prostitute, is the wager. Two powerful men from Clito make a bet the Princess and The Queen of Sex who will win and how will Sofia survive Helgas realm The Blue Pussy?

Duration: 80 minutes
From the series: La Princesse Et La Pute
Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in La Princesse Et La Pute :
 • Coralie  • Elodie Cherie  • Roberto Malone  • Mike Foster  • Maeva  • Richard Langin  • Eva Dionisio  • Philippe Soine  • Christoph Clark  • Roxanne Hall  • Tania Lariviere  • David Perry  • Laure Sainclair  • Olivia Del Rio  • Philippe Dean


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