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My Scary Movix

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My Scary Movix

Camping enthusiasts, Aline, Sophie, Phil and Tony head out on vacation. In their travels, sex addict Tony meets Shirley, a hot British traveler. It's not long before Tony's desire for pussy gets him into some trouble with his girlfriend Sophie, when he takes advantage of newly acquainted Shirley and has sex with her in front of everyone and films it. Later in their adventure they breakdown in the middle of nowhere. Phil and Tony head out to look for help, when they find a welcoming house of four beauties. Soon a lesbian orgy ensues and just when the two guys are excited, they are asked to join. Aside from the apparent erotic craziness, we get the feeling something is brewing in the shadows. Could it be a jealous-raged plan Aline and Sophie have against their unfaithful boyfriends, or is there something darker?

Duration: 116 minutes

Directed by: Francois Regis 
Studio: Marc Dorcel Marc Dorcel SBO 

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