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Naughty Nanny Diaries: French

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Naughty Nanny Diaries: French

Alice is a sweet girl who arrives in a rich family's home to help with the family and the house work. The first night she hears noises and discovers the master of the house fucking one of the foreign girls and his wife on the stairs. Soon she realizes that sex has an essential place in the life of the castle. Young workers double penetrate the hostess, the three girls must experiment the observation of the male body and test them with their hands, mouth and their whole body the capacity of a male erection. Every evening, Alice wrote her secrets in her diary: a man takes her ass during the night in her bed; the housekeeper has sex again with another pair while his wife is leading introductory sessions in a threesome. But is it her imagination or the detailed report of lewd activities in the house?

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Naughty Nanny Diaries: French :
 • Black Angelica  • Mike Angelo  • Tony Carrera  • Alison Star  • Penelope Tiger  • Winnie Thrumps  • Horst Barron  • Mia Vendome  • Neeo  • Jenny Baby


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