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Finishing School

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Finishing School

The minute Laura sees the Instructor looking at her long erotic legs she knows she has him where she wants him. This sight, in the front row, makes him so nevouse he decides to work it off on the tennis court where he is met by a young eager coed who lures him to her apartment where she is tutored in some social studies. Even a class orgy with plenty of her hot young friends and a lesbian encounter can't get her mind off the instructor. Luara watches as one of the girls from her clas, Tanya, enjoys a menage a trois. Laura can feel herself getting excited watching at the sight of Tanya and her two teachers engrossed in their frolic. At last Laura and the instructor are alone in his office where she gets what she wants in one of the most frenzied and erotic sex sequences ever filmed!

Duration: 63 minutes

Directed by: Lloyd Richards 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Finishing School :
 • Jamal Davis  • Margaret Silerman  • Linda Grasser  • Tanya  • Jimmy Howards  • Neil Long  • James Rogers  • M. St. Mann  • Robin Gagneur  • Joey Silvera  • Larry Witers  • Jack Lynn  • R. Gagneur  • Henry Wills  • Mimi Morgan  • C. Cooper


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