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Teenage Cruisers

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Teenage Cruisers

The first x-rated rock 'n roll movie ever made. Teenage Cruisers transcends three decades, taking the viewer on an erotic tour through the 50's, 60's and 70's. It is an interesting, highly arousing and extremely funny adventure. A group of high schoolers are out cruising the main street of their town, come upon a series of sexual scams. Meanwhile, a beautiful young nut named Babsy Beaudine escapes from a mental asylum and picks up a bewildered professor named Flinch. At the same time, a man is gobbled up in a pool, a guy named Johnny comes home to his love (super star Serena) and an on-the-skin reporter goes bonkers.

Duration: 82 minutes

Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Teenage Cruisers :
 • Christine DeShaffer  • Serena Blaquelord  • Bill Margold  • Tony Cohn  • John Holmes  • Jerry Sokorski  • Rick Cassidy  • Lynne Margulies


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