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Sky Pies

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Sky Pies

Climb on board and welcome to the most amorous airliner in the sky! This fast-paced 1985 scorcher presents the airline industry as one non-stop carnal carnival in the sky, filled with buxom stewardesses, passionate pilots and even a few passengers. One thing that makes this one stand out is that it was actually shot on a real 747! How they managed it is a mystery, but the result is a flick that has a real 'on the spot' feel. Airport security guard Tom Byron gives new meaning to the term 'strip search' when he trysts with a pair of passengers during a pre-flight detainment. Meanwhile, passengers Nicole West and Marc Wallice all but singe the screen when they decide to join the Mile High Club. Also on hand for the sky-high sensuality are such curvaceous cuties as Gina Carrera and Raven, doing their utmost to please. The flick ends with the whole cast getting together for an in-flight orgy that leaves them all well spent. Hot towels, anyone?

Duration: 71 minutes

Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Sky Pies :
 • Cara Lott  • Misty Regan  • Stacey Donovan  • Miles Long  • Elaine Southern  • Marc Wallice  • Nicole West  • Greg Rome  • R. Bolla  • Tom Byron  • Vicky Vickers  • Pamela Jennings  • Susie South  • Gina Carrera  • David Sanders  • Ron Jeremy  • Sasha Gabor


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