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Solomon's Wives: Scarlett Fever

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Solomon's Wives: Scarlett Fever

See how the King gets woken up early in the morning by one of his favorite wives Scarlett Fever, who gets her man up by getting him all aroused and ready to face the day with some blood pumping hard throbbing cock, then it's off to the shower for some clean sex just to get down and dirty all over again, but that's not enough without a very nutritious breakfast, the kind that only a wife like Scarlett can prepare, which she calls the waffle but Solomon calls the wiffle, nice and ready, all laid out on the kitchen's island, ready to start the day in Solomon's style.

Duration: 82 minutes
From the series: Solomon's Wives
Directed by: David Solomon 
Studio: Digital Videovision 

Watch these pornstars in Solomon's Wives: Scarlett Fever :
 • Scarlett


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