Listen to the lyrics of this horny song. King Solomon and Emma Stoned have a thing going on, they fuck every day, all day long. They like it too much to let it go so they keep doing it on and on. When they come home they do nothing but soak in pure love and sexual affection all day long, just to give a glimpse of what 7th Heaven is like on and on. Yes, pleasures forevermore is what this heavenly flick is all about, so indulge in the pleasures of Emma Stoned and feel them with all your soul, that way when you get to 7th Heaven you know exactly what to do on and on.
Duration: 109 minutes
From the series: Solomon's 7th Heaven
Directed by: David Solomon
Studio: Digital Videovision
Watch these pornstars in Solomon's 7th Heaven: Emma Stoned :
• David Solomon
• Emma Stoned
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