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Solomon's 7th Heaven: Scarlett Fever And Hollie Mack

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Solomon's 7th Heaven: Scarlett Fever And Hollie Mack

Meet Scarlett and Hollie, two of Solomon's favorite wives, who also happen to like each other sexually. So for starters you will see them showing you what a good time is supposed to look like, first in the shower, and then the bath tub. They both go at each other in ways that only girls know, and are later joined by Solomon in the bedroom and on the couch where he gives them both the fuck of their life to finally explode all over both of their tight little pussies.

Duration: 105 minutes
From the series: Solomon's 7th Heaven
Directed by: David Solomon 
Studio: Digital Videovision 

Watch these pornstars in Solomon's 7th Heaven: Scarlett Fever And Hollie Mack :
 • Scarlett Fever  • Holly Mack


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