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The Sperm Factory: First Timers 2

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The Sperm Factory: First Timers 2

Alex was a real tough guy on the wrestling mat as well as the football field. Very few guys got past him without a special Alex grope! Hes had his hands on more guys meat lockers than he wants to tell us. But the way he handles his own joystick tells us that he really like the feeling of having a hard cock in his hand.He looks like somebody you know... A movie star? A model? Somebody famous but you just cant place him. Well, this is 19-year-old Lee Ashbury, and hes about to be one of the hugest adult stars youve seen! So yes, hes a movie star... hes a model, and hes about to shove that huge man cock into yet another straight dudes quivering, tight asshole. Look at the head on that monster!Were sure youll enjoy both of these young men in their first film appearances!

Duration: 21 minutes
From the series: The Sperm Factory
Directed by: Uncle Paul 
Studio: Private The Sperm Factory 

Watch these pornstars in The Sperm Factory: First Timers 2 :
 • Alex Wolf  • Lee Ashbury


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