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Straight Spunk: David VanBuren And Daylan Woods Jerk Off Together

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Straight Spunk: David VanBuren And Daylan Woods Jerk Off Together

Sometimes, hanging out with a buddy at home is comfortable. But things can change really fast when youre both naked on a bed, comparing dick sizes, and seeing who can get hard first. David VanBuren suddenly turns shy in front of his friend Daylan Woods, who seems to have almost no inhibitions about showing off his thick cock. And it makes it all the more difficult for David, as he secretly glances over to monitor Daylans dick. Daylan looks over and checks out Davids meat several times too.When the guys are both finally hard enough, they reach across each other for a friendly mutual cock tugging. And while it may not last long, just getting these self-professed totally straight dudes to touch each other is an accomplishment, by itself! You can tell, its not something theyre going to go and tell their other buddies about, not in a million years! So, lets just keep it our secret. Okay? Enjoy!

Duration: 11 minutes
From the series: Straight Spunk
Directed by: Uncle Paul 
Studio: Private Straight Spunk 

Watch these pornstars in Straight Spunk: David VanBuren And Daylan Woods Jerk Off Together :
 • Daylan Woods  • David VanBuren


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