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The Sperm Factory: Break Time: Lee Ashbury, Aaron Light, And Austin Lee

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The Sperm Factory: Break Time: Lee Ashbury, Aaron Light, And Austin Lee

Sometimes, we just have to give our actors a break from the hard work of jacking off for the camera. So, they head to the break room, lay on the bed, watch porn, and get horny again! These guys wanted to try and see if they could fuck Aaron Light. Its tough to do, especially when its the first time theyve tried a 3-way. And even though theyre joking around, their nerves are messing with their hard-ons. Austin gets it boned up and Aaron takes advantage of it, quickly squatting down on the vertical meat rocket Bareback! Lee has his cock rock hard several times, but when it comes down to letting a dude put his ass lips over the head well he just goes soft. But he gets an A for effort! His money shot shoots out like a water jet, spraying all over his chest & stomach. Amazing! Austin forgot to let anyone know when he was coming, but youll see his expression when he does. Its choice!Youll enjoy these guys joking around, talking intimate personal details, while baring their bodies and their personalities to each other. This is a fly-on-the-wall video of what it takes to be an actor in an all-male adult video. Enjoy!

Duration: 34 minutes
From the series: The Sperm Factory
Directed by: Uncle Paul 
Studio: Private The Sperm Factory 

Watch these pornstars in The Sperm Factory: Break Time: Lee Ashbury, Aaron Light, And Austin Lee :
 • Austin Lee  • Aaron Light  • Lee Ashbury


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