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Bob's Videos Private Editions 29: Marlena's Red Party Dress

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Bob's Videos Private Editions 29: Marlena's Red Party Dress

Things don't always seem to work out for Marlena exactly as she expects them to. She has a sexy new red dress that she is dying to wear to the pool party. She gets herself all showery fresh, smokes a sexy cigarette while she dresses up in honey colored nylons and fancy lingerie and prepares for a night of fun, certain she'll be the hit of the evening and won't leave the party alone. She senses something might be wrong though, when she arrives at what she thinks is a fashionably late hour and there's no one there yet. Not to worry, the charged up Marlena poses by the waterfall, pretends she's posing at a super hot photo shoot, and shows off all of her abundant charms. Most of her clothes have disappeared and still nobody is around. Marlena finally spots an employee and calls across the pool asking what might be wrong. OOOPS! She finds out the answer and sheepishly ends up going home alone to take care of her own pent up horniness. Still a winner, as you get to watch the fun, and still waiting for her party. Sophia Jade wants to show off her retro nylons and hot body for you. After a long day, there's nothing quite as relaxing as kicking back and letting the juices flow and the fun begin, any way that you can get it. She elegantly settles back in the smoky, deep brown fully fashioned seamed nylons she's wearing and lets the pleasure begin.

Duration: 95 minutes
From the series: Bob's Videos Private Editions
Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Bob's Videos Private Editions 29: Marlena's Red Party Dress :
 • Marlena  • Sophia Jade


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