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Kayla's Smoke And Nylon Show

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Kayla's Smoke And Nylon Show

Lovely Kayla Paige introduces this film on a quiet note, entering the room and sitting by the large window that frames her in light and beauty. Her long flowing brunette hair surrounds her face and she's lost to her own thoughts in this voyeuristic scene. Empty gloves hold a cigarette in each hand, and soon Samantha Ryan and Zoe Britton fill them out as they share a smokey tender moment, dressed inlingerie. They kiss, touch, play and smoke and you get to see lots of close ups and skin as they share each other. Kayla returns for the title scene of this film, a long segment that features her modeling and showing off a variety of nylons, smoking all the while, but the line between where the smoking ends and the nylon show beginsis blurred. She begins by reading her paper and enjoying a Parliament in her breakfast room, but several smokes later and lots of slippery nylon modeling leave her ready to start her day. Meet Roxetta. Some serious 'MILF-age' whose red hair, sweet little coochie and great tits are just the beginning to this long three scene segment. Roxetta is aged to perfection and introduces herself with some unusual antics...placing her 120 deep inside the lips to her pussy and lighting it up...later gobbling up ashes and cum and anything firm that gets in her face. And finally masturbating tenderly on the couch as she smokes and smokes and then smokes some more.

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Kayla's Smoke And Nylon Show :
 • Zoe Britton  • Roxetta  • Kayla Paige  • Samantha Ryan


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