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Bob's Special Smoker Series 124: Here And There

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Bob's Special Smoker Series 124: Here And There

Bob's Special Smoker does not encourage the use of super smoking babes with perky white little boobies, to smoke cigarettes. They just love to do that on their own! If you notice, they don't even put down their rettes to touch themselves or each other! In the second and third scenes, the girls talk about their experiences with tobacco use as well as show off their petite bodies and get some lesbian expression out of their loins. There's nothing they wouldn't do for a smooth drag of a stogie, nothing! Alyssa Reese is caught in a sensuous and private moment in her garden right after a relaxing shower. What could be better than a nice smoke and some stimulating self manipulation? Alyssa's deep inhales and frequent drags prove her to be a talented smoker. She's smoking her Canadian cigs and enjoying several as she plays with herself and orgasms in her private world of delight - a powerful 30 minute mood scene! Later, Alyssa is joined by her love bunny Jessica Bancock, who isn't a smoker in real life, but agrees to give it a try. Both girls have lots of fun, giggling and trying new things and chatting while they puff away. This film closes with a pair of scenes featuring Veronica Ricci and Jana Jordan. Both are afterglow moments, where they opt to indulge and share some smoke after their hot lesbian lovemaking. These moments are real, intimate and personal.

Duration: 60 minutes
From the series: Bob's Smokers
Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Bob's Special Smoker Series 124: Here And There :
 • Alyssa Reece  • Veronica Ricci  • Jana Jordan  • Jessica Bangkok


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