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Her sparkling eyes are what strikes you first when you look at Nesty, a blonde 24-year-old Hungarian girl that looks like a teenager. With her bedroom eyes she immediately puts the audience under her erotic spell. On camera, she moves as naturally as she smiles provocatively, and her perfect body is beautiful from whatever angle the photographer catches it. Nesty is a professional porn actress. She simply thought that this could be her dream job, she tried it - and loved her first porn shooting. Nevertheless, the sex in front of the camera isn't just fun - sometimes it can be hard work, Nesty admits quite frankly. By the way, her stage name is borrowed from a tea, Nestea. Nesty loves her work, but she also has very private dreams. In five years she wants to have a family. She is a very private person anyway. She doesn't want to reveal anything about the sex with her boyfriend. Nor does she want to tell much about the best sex of her life. But about the worst sex of her life she says that it has taken place on a beach, where lots of sand created more punishment than pleasure. After the interview, first she very sensually gets herself all excited with her fingers. Then a porn actor joins her. The fact that a complete stranger will lick and fuck her on camera doesn't make her nervous, though. And when she sucks his cock she does it with such enthusiasm that every man watching will become more than jealous.

Duration: 39 minutes

Studio: GirlGuru 

Watch these pornstars in Nesty :
 • Nesty  • Till Kraemer  • Nick Lang  • Cameron Cruise (F)


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