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Nataly, the busty 21-year-old Czech girl from Prague with her cat's eyes and her sensual vibrancy likes to laugh - and she is refreshingly honest. She for example openly admits that she has often had bad sex in her life; on camera as well as privately. And that she is in the porn business for the money. Well, after all, she has an extremely expensive hobby - she likes to go shopping. To be a porn actress is a very difficult job, she explains, and the sex on camera for her is very different from private sex. She already has lots of experience with being on camera. Both she and her boyfriend have been active in the porn business before they met. Meanwhile, however, they only fuck each other on camera, and both are a little jealous of the partners the other has had previously. They want to get married some time, and at least she also wants to start a family! Before her first porn shooting, which she doesn't exactly remember fondly, Nataly has studied economics. That she has now chosen a job that can be quite stressful you would never guess from the way she moves on camera - effortlessly sensual. The way she spoils her boyfriend orally and in the cowgirl position after the interview is electrifyingly intense.

Duration: 41 minutes

Studio: GirlGuru 

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