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Cathy Campbell

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Cathy Campbell

Cathy Campbell with her sassy short blonde hair and her gorgeous body is a very naughty Czech girl - and a classy one as well! Even during the first shots she shows an astonishing versatility. In black, she looks wicked, in white like an innocent teenager, and playful in red. She always shows the camera a different face.And she is extremely confident. So it is not surprising that she would like to see herself recognized as a good actress, if there should be a headline about her in the newspaper - and that in five year she wants to be established as a dominatrix. She believes her boyfriend Nick would be a good slave. He vehemently denies this, however. In fact the two clearly aren't always in complete agreement. She loves him and wants to marry him - but he obviously keeps his distance. He is a porn actor as well - and he fucks other women on camera; something she isn't too happy about.But together Cathy and Nick are the perfect, erotic sex couple. One immediately understands why she only has sex with him on camera. Her emotions lend a certain intimate passion to everything she does. She loves to suck cock, and here she shows a particularly exciting technique. But she loves to get her pussy licked and fucked - with his fingers and his cock - as well. Even with her solo performance, however, Cathy knows how to seduce and to play with herself as well as with the audience.

Duration: 41 minutes

Studio: GirlGuru 

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 • Kathia Nobili  • Nick Lang  • Till Kraemer


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