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Thugporn Hazing

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Thugporn Hazing

Trappboy leads the thugz who want to join this tough frat house in an initiation that leaves them sticky, hazed and dicked! Granting no quarter, everyone knows this is the toughest initiation on campus and only the bravest young thugz are willing to take their chances! They passed the SATS but can they pass the Trap test?

Duration: 119 minutes
From the series: Thugporn Hazing
Directed by: Jalin Fuentes 
Studio: Pitbull Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Thugporn Hazing :
 • P.B.  • Skinny Pimp  • Intrique  • x-man  • Train Wreck  • Trap Boyy  • Mister Buck


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