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Meat Wackers 5

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Meat Wackers 5

Pitbull Productions proudly presents you with another sexplosive edition from their infamous Meat Wackers series in Meat Wackers 5. As always, we have the freshest faces, hottest bodies and fattest cocks in the industry, Our models Armeretto, Fubue, Jay, Butta Cream, Cino G, and Peanut in Meat Wackers 5 represents every flavor and size, stroking, rubbing and pleasuring themselves for your jerking jollies. Featuring bonus blow job footage starring the world-famous Latin lover Tiger Tyson with Big Red and 4Sho with Lil Bit, this two hour extravaganza will be more than enough to satisfy your lusty appetite. So lay back, grab some lube and tissues and get ready for hours of hard-core self-satisfaction!

Duration: 92 minutes
From the series: Meat Wackers
Directed by: Jalin Fuentes 
Studio: Pitbull Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Meat Wackers 5 :
 • Peanut  • Jay  • Sebastian  • Tiger Tyson


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