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Brazilian Seduction

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Brazilian Seduction

Popular myth says that Brazil, a melting pot of so many races, is home to the most beautiful and best-equipped men in the world. Brazilian Seduction, the second DVD in the new Blatino Gold Series from Pitbull Productions, Inc., does its bit to prove the myth is true. Here director Jalin Fuentes, fresh from conquering Rio de Janeiro, turns the cameras loose on So Paulo, Brazils largest cityand we do mean fuckin huge! So hop aboard for the ride as ten of Brazils best and biggest show us that when it cums to sizzling thug-on-thug action, no boyz beat the sexy studz of So Paulo. And no fan of guy-on-guy-on-guy can afford to miss the flicks final scene, the most explosive three-way youll see all year, as three hung and hungry dawgz cum together and make a single shape-shifting, hard-pounding, three-headed sex beast that just fucks on and on and on

Duration: 128 minutes

Directed by: Jalin Fuentes 
Studio: Pitbull Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Brazilian Seduction :
 • Gabriel Lear  • Douglas Torres  • Jonathan Kawa  • Marcelo Breda  • Roger Moura  • Dado Didonne  • Bruno  • Kaique Brito  • James  • Hunter Corbin


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