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Fisting Ranch Hands

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Fisting Ranch Hands

On a secret ranch in the wild, wild west, the ranch hands are always busy. When young Jackson Lawless hears about it, he is eager to earn a spot as one of the ranch hands. In order to do so, foreman Bryce Pierce, tells Lawless that he must prove that he can take a fist before the day is over. Lawless seeks out fisting stud Will Andrews who takes Lawless on a journey of discovery and teaches him all the "ins and outs" of the art of fisting. Along with a helping hand from Master Paul Stag not to mention his massive 10-inch cock, and impressive demonstrations by elbow-deep bottom, Rick Powers, and the other men on the fisting ranch, Lawless ends up getting what he wished for and more.

Duration: 88 minutes

Directed by: Wolfgang Bang 
Studio: Red Eagle Films 

Watch these pornstars in Fisting Ranch Hands :
 • Jackson Lawless  • Rick Powers  • Paul Stag  • Bryce Pierce  • Cole Ryder  • Will Andrews


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