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Daddies And Pigs

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Daddies And Pigs

Daddies and Pigs is all about hardcore nasty sex without apologies. This hot new video from director Wolfgang Bang focuses on fisting and buttplay with some light S&M thrown in for good measure. It starts out with bad cop Brad Wilder grabbing innocent Fred Harry and takes him home to his dungeon where he puts him through the wringer. Fred Harry protests at first but his raging hard-on when tied to a bondage-table with Wilder working him over with floggers and hot wax reveals that it feels too good not to enjoy it. Brad works him over with some cock and ball electro-torment as well before he decides he is done. Ruben D'Angelo, Adam Faust, Rex Armswell, Fred Harry, Brad Wilder, Craig Stowe, Shawn Islander, John Steele, Bruce Santon, Lyle James, Ted Lin

Duration: 99 minutes
From the series: Daddies And Pigs
Directed by: Wolfgang Bang 
Studio: Red Eagle Films 

Watch these pornstars in Daddies And Pigs :
 • Ted Lin  • Rex Armswell  • Adam Faust  • Ruben D'Angelo  • Greg Rodgers  • John Steele  • Craig Stowe  • Bruce Stanton  • Lyle James  • Brad Wilder  • Shawn Islander  • Fred Harry


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